Travel + Leisure

For centuries, the search for this fabled route through the Canadian Arctic captivated explorers—and led many to their deaths. Today, warming seas have made it possible to traverse the Northwest Passage on a passenger ship, making it a new frontier for the cruise industry. 

Men's Journal

Everything on Kivalina is hard: there are no roads, few jobs, and rising waters that will soon swallow the island whole. But everything gets better when the villagers catch a whale, which hasn't happened since 1994. That's no reason to give up. This just might be the year.


Egypt. Tunisia. Yemen. Bahrain. While the rest of the region roils in upheaval, Iraq is open for tourists. Er, kind of. At least the sort looking for some war-torn thrills. From the Tower of Babel to the birthplace of Abraham, from Saddam's ruined palaces to fortified blast-proof checkpoints, our intrepid correspondent embarks on a nine-day, eight-night tour of Mespotamia. Wish you were here!

The New York Times Magazine

In the early 1990s, while the cool kids in the New York University dorms were listening to Nirvana and Pavement and P. J. Harvey, Gabriel Roth, a Jewish teenager from California, sat in his dorm room, night after night, listening to one obscure James Brown record after another.